Sunday, December 12, 2010


a.       Management has the right to start and end a game anytime deemed reasonable.
2.       MISDEALS
a.       If a dealer had a misdeal before betting begins, the distribution of cards will be reset, cards will be reshuffled and redistributed.
b.      If the player already saw the cards dealt and the dealer had a misdeal, the cards dealt should be returned facedown as not be shown to other players.
c.       If the dealer forgot to burn during the flop, turn, or river, the shown card that was supposedly burned will be placed facedown.
d.      Management reserves the right to make the final decision on further misdeals and other dealer related errors.
a.       The Management may immediately issue a warning, temporarily suspend, indefinitely suspend, and/or terminate your access to the Pilar Poker Club, withhold your account balance, temporarily or indefinitely suspend your account, and recover any cash-outs, bonuses and winnings, and terminate the Agreement, with or without advance notice, if the Company believes that you have breached any term of the General Terms & Conditions, or any policies, guidelines or rules it incorporates by reference. Any form of cheating, as determined at the Company's sole discretion, is strictly prohibited. Cheating includes any form of manipulation of the outcome of the hand or game, so that the odds of winning are changed to the favor of the cheating player. In particular, and without limitation, cheating includes any form of 'collusion' as that term is commonly understood in the industry.
b.      Team play or collusion is the act of two or more players "teaming up" to gain an unfair competitive advantage by signaling card values or making raises and re-raises that are intended to force a victim player out of a pot. Players found to have been acting, or reasonably suspected of acting as a team, will have their poker club privileges terminated indefinitely.
4.       BUY IN – RE-BUY
a.       Standard tournament type C are at P100.00 pesos buy-in at 5,000 Chips, with re-buy at P200.00 for 10,000 chips and last re-buy at P500.00 for 25,000 Chips
b.      Standard tournament type B are at P200.00 pesos buy-in at 5,000 Chips, with re-buy at P400.00 for 10,000 chips and last re-buy at P1000.00 for 25,000 Chips
c.       Standard tournament type A are at P1000.00 pesos buy-in at 10,000 Chips, with re-buy at P2000.00 for 25,000 chips
d.      Standard tournament type AA (VIP class) are at P2000 buy-in at 10,000 Chips, with rebuy at P3000.00 20,000 chips
e.      100k event tournament type are at P1,500.00 buy-in at 10,000 chips with re-buy at P2000.00 at 15,000 chips
f.        200k event tournament type are at P2,500.00 buy-in at 10,000 chips with re-buy at P3000.00 at 15,000 chips
g.       500k event tournament type are at P5,000.00 buy-in at 10,000 chips with re-buy at P5,000.00 at 20,000 chips
h.      1million event tournament type are at P10,000.00 buy-in at 10,000 chips with re-buy at P10,000.00 at 20,000 chips
i.         Top 10 within the Pilar Poker Place Ranking will have their first re-buy in at 100k / 200k / 500k / 1million  shouldered by Pilar Poker Place
j.        Standard cash game no limit type are at P500.00 buy-in minimum

5.       MEMBERSHIP and Privileges
a.       Pilar Poker Place Membership is FREE
b.      Members have these benefits.
                                                               i.      Waived playing fee for each tournament type
                                                             ii.      Team inclusion to interclub tournaments
                                                            iii.      Percentage share on all tournament type including cash game. (1% rebate to all members )
                                                           iv.      Free food and drinks for official type A / type AA tournament type events at Ririko RestoBar
c.       Upon membership, members will have to pay P200.00 for membership ID and  P300.00 for the club shirt

Monday, October 18, 2010

Tournament Registration

To register to our upcoming events email the following info to or via sms to 09272303498, 09159210944

1. Name
2. Contact Number
3. Email
4. Event you will be attending


Jeremy B. Zara
100k PPP series tournament event